Thursday, November 08, 2007

What do lost teeth and Greeks have in common?

To answer this question, I'll break this down into two parts:

1) This week was a special week for CJ. First he lost one of his bottom teeth. No big deal right? WRONG! This may have surpassed his Baptism, Christmas or even his birth as the most important day of his life. CJ actually told us that now there is a chance that he can get his "girlfriend" Lilly back. Some boy with lots of lost teeth "stole" her away from him. I guess the hillbilly look is popular in the second grade...go figure! In any case now that CJ is in the "In Crowd"...or in CJ's case the "out-crowd" he can get his life and girlfriend back - Go get em tiger!

2) Also this week was CJ's Greek Festival at his school. This is when the kids get to dress up like the ancient Greeks and celebrate the greatness that was that era. The kids were each assigned a particular part of Greek history and they were given a few minutes in front of the class to demonstrate and/or present their assignment. CJ was given Greek Gods and Goddesses. Considering that Greek Gods and Goddesses are myths, CJ was supposed to come up with his very own original myth. Since CJ was deep into celebrating his lost tooth and of course the the Tooth Fairy, he and I sat down and came up with the Myth of Enamelese. Here's the myth in all it's toothfull glory:

Enamelese was born without any teeth. As he grew older, all the other kids made fun of Enamelese because he only had a gummy smile. Enamelese became very angry at all the other kids. He promised that he would get back all the other kids
by stealing their teeth while they were asleep. He asked Zeus to turn him into a spirit and allow him to steal the teeth of all those kids who laughed at him. Zeus laughed at Enamelese and told him he was out of his mind. Enamelese got even more angry and decided to ask Hades, the god of the underworld, to help him. Hades told Enamelese that he would help him but under one condition. Enamelese would have to steal the teeth of Zeus first. Enamelese tried to steal Zeus's teeth but Zeus caught Enamelese and told him that he would not punish him if he changed his life and became a good human. Enamelese would have to spend his entire life helping other humans take care of their teeth. Enamelese agreed and became the world's first dentist. Enamelese helped so many people with their teeth that Zeus became very pleased with him. Enamelese became known as the protector of teeth. When Enamelese grew old and died Zeus turned Enamelese into a god and from then on Enamelese gave gifts to kids for all of their lost teeth. He takes the teeth and turns them into stars and puts them in the sky for everyone to see. So when you lose a tooth make sure to put your tooth under your pillow at night and when you wake up know that Enamelese took it, gave you a gift and put your tooth in the sky as a star for all to see. Today we call Enamelese the tooth fairy.

I hope after reading CJ's original myth, you will see what lost teeth and Greeks have in common. CJ is now convinced that his original myth is actually an original truth. Actually the more I think about it, CJ thinks everything he comes up with is an original truth. I suppose that's a sign of a good leader, dictator Greek God or something!

I love my kids!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is such a good story you guys made up. Bet CJ got into that.

Tell Lily she is a princess and should only put beautiful pictures on the computer.

2:30 PM  

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