Thursday, September 20, 2007

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!

The headline comes from Will Farrell's character Mugata from the comedy film Zoolander. If you've ever seen the film, it's just dumb-funny comedy and you can't help but laugh. It reminds me of our lives sometimes...Dumb-funny comedy where you can't help but laugh. With two over-the-top kids, two old dogs who excessively bark and pass gas and two adults who are trying to manage careers, family and ministry. The result of all of this is just funny. We are far more balanced than we've been in the past but we still face the same personality issues of our kids, dogs and ourselves. Let me explain the families personalities to you so that you too can laugh with us. Here's the good, the bad and the ugly:

The Good: Beautiful, joyful and highly spirited. The optimist of the family who always looks on the bright side. She works very hard and loves to showcase her amazing talent. She can bring a smile to any one's face!

The Bad: Not good with time but that's because of her optimism. For example: If the closest Starbucks is 5 miles away it should only take a 5 minutes to get there right? Not! That's because there is 6 lights on the way there and traffic adds an additional 10 minutes to the drive. Amy's optimism allows her to believe that all the lights will be green and there will be no additional traffic along her route. I wish I could think like that!

The Ugly: If you don't feed Amy you lose Amy. If you are ever near her and she is quiet, that's because she's probably hungry. She doesn't need much but it better be quick whatever it is.

The Good: Fun! Playful! Smart! Energetic! Life of the party! CJ is the best, he really is. Amy and I think CJ is destined for greatness. He has the personality, charm and energy to light up the world. He's funny and he loves everyone...especially Jesus. Look out world CJ is here to take over!!!

The Bad: Look out world CJ is here to take over!!! The bad side of this is that he doesn't know that he isn't in charge. He's considered by many who only get a surface glance at CJ as ADHD and in need of meds. Amy and I face many battles with CJ but that's because CJ doesn't know how to turn his Good things off when he needs to and because he has no boundaries. We admit to not parenting very good when it comes to boundaries but we're getting better.

The Ugly: His temper! He gets that from both families. It's controllable but boy you should see the mean face he can give! Oooooh Ugly!

The Good: She is beautiful like her mom and about as sweet as it gets. She is so stinking cute that it hurts. She's spunky, witty, quick and cunning. Lily can charm you from one side of the room to the other. She has her daddy right where she wants him and I couldn't be happier to be there.

The Bad: Lily uses her charm to get what she wants. Some people call that manipulation but Lily would call it persuasiveness. She is extremely headstrong and doesn't fair well when she does not get her way. She can throw a fit like no other but what's funny about it is that even when she's mad she's still pretty cute.

The Ugly: The morning time and when she's tired. Lily is a bear when she wakes up, in fact I would rather wake up a bear. The bear would only rip my head off. Lily would do much more damage if you let her. Rule of thumb: Let her wake herself and don't get cute with her...she's in no mood! Also, when she's tired in the evening - pretend it's morning and leave her alone.

The Good: The above wonderful things in my life - Jesus, My family, my friends, the PGA and the Muppets!
The Bad: Too many things to mention but not so many that it matters.
The Ugly: Me in the mornings, my age is starting so show...gosh dern it!

The Good: Sweet and lovable
The Bad: Nervous wreck
The Ugly: Too hairy and tracks in outside junk

The Good: Sweet and Lovable and licks toes
The Bad: Horrible Gas! Toots all the time!
The Ugly: See The Bad!

I'll leave Ashlyn out of this since she only has Good and besides if I said she had something bad she wouldn't talk to me for a month.

Well there you have it. Oh and sorry for the delay in getting a blog out. I'm busy being in love with my wife, kids and dogs,

I love my kids, my dogs and my wonderful wife...I really do!!!



Blogger Holly Days said...

Good Gosh it's about time you wrote a blog entry...I've been waiting with bated breath for weeks now....Ahhhhhh!

Hey, I have some David Cook stuff for well as maybe some other assorted curriculum paraphenelia (is that how you spell it?). Call me when you want to come get it!!!

11:33 AM  

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