Saturday, July 28, 2007

CJ is a Jesus Freak!

Well it's official! Jesus has joined the official Jesus Freak club. This week Jesus decided that he wanted to follow Jesus and be on His team. This is no surprise for Amy an I as CJ has always had a personal relationship with Jesus. As far as CJ is concerned Jesus is his personal helper. That's because CJ considers everyone his personal helper. You, me, the President...everyone. Without CJ knowing it, Amy and I have heard CJ talking to Jesus and not just in prayer. He's had lengthy conversations with him. In fact, I'm quite sure that some of the conversations were requests from CJ for Jesus to banish Lily or spank me or for a new Game Cube game or something like that.

You're probably wondering what I meant by CJ being a Jesus Freak. Well, you see I like the term because it was given to a bunch of people in the late 60's - 70's who formed a Jesus movement that ended up spanning the globe. They were a major influence on the modern contemporary church and with contemporary Christian music. Because I think CJ will be a great leader someday I think he has the potential to be a major influence in the modern church. He may become the next great Jesus Freak!

Now for those who think that I may be influencing CJ to be a nut. Don't worry CJ will be making that decision for himself. He is the son of a wacko after all. I don't want kids or adults to think that he's a special needs child simply because he rants and raves about Jesus. I would rather people just realize that he loves Jesus and has the confidence to tell everyone. That's what Jesus wants and who am I to argue?

I think this is a great time to celebrate CJ's decision. Amy and I are thrilled that CJ is CJ and that he is a boy after God's own heart.

I love my boy!



Blogger Holly Days said...

It must be due to that awesome Adventure Week he attended last week...

1:03 PM  

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