Smooth talking CJ

CJ never ceases to amaze me. He is very influential and a master salesman. This morning he gets up and asks me for a bowl of Peanut Butter Bumper cereal. I pour it and then he tells me that I poured the wrong bowl of cereal. I didn't take that well and told him that he told me Peanut Butter Bumpers and that would be what he gets. Silver tongued CJ made me believe that I was mistaken and that he indeed had asked for Fruit Loops. Oh silly me! So because I am a gracious person and because in reality I wasn't sure what he said, I begrudgingly decide to trade out the bowl of Peanut Butter Bumpers for a bowl of Fruit Loops. CJ, quickly jumps into compliment mode and proceeds to tell me how great I am and how proud of me he was for getting him what he wanted.
Now take note of this persuasion method. First he asks for the lesser item (Peanut Butter Bumpers), then he proceeds to position himself for the upgrade in item (Fruit Loops) using the old Jedi-Mind trick method of making me believe I just didn't hear him correctly and that my feeble attempts to pour him the lesser item was just a miscalculation of judgement on my part. CJ then laughs off my indiscretion by allowing me the opportunity to to correct my mistake, followed by a cleaver round of compliments designed to make me feel that what I have done is for the betterment of all man-kind. I'm telling you, the boy is a genius!
Today, I walk away realizing that CJ is smarter than I am! Crap!!!!
The pictures here on the bottom are simply great influencers of their time. I think CJ should have his picture in the history books someday. The picture I show of CJ was when he was younger. He was silver tongued then too.
I love my kids!

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