Thursday, April 12, 2007

My two 20 year class reunions!

I've just recently learned of my two 20 year high school reunions from the high school I graduated from (Canyon High School - New Braunfels, TX) and of the one I left in the middle of my sophomore year (Alpine High School - Alpine, TX). You would think I would just go to Canyon's reunion but it's just not that simple. I need to go to the Alpine's reunion as well and here's why: First of all I spent 5 great years with my friends in Alpine, including my Jr. High years when I was in all my pubescent glory! My friends at Canyon only spent 2.5 years with me and it took nearly .5 years of that time to get in the flow and make friends. Now after graduation I was able to spend some time with some of my friends at Canyon but only a few. In College I spent some time with at least one friend from friend Jasper. Cool name huh? Jasper and I were best friends in Alpine and we couldnt be from any different lives. I was the son of a prominent builder and lived in a great home in a delightful area in Alpine. Jasper's dad worked but didnt make much and Jasper lived in a small run down house in the middle of town. He grew up without many luxuries and he pretty much raised his younger brother. I considered his life to be sub-par at best. Jasper didnt see it that way. His attitude was that of a wealthy man with everything going for him. To this date, Jasper still has that attitude. He let's nothing get him down. He's been through the ringer and dug himself some pretty deep holes but he's managed to get himself out of them with a smile and confidence that tomorrow is a new day. That's a gift very few people possess. The only other friend I have that posseses that attitude is my friend Hal. He lost his mother at age 14 and ended up living with his Aunt in NB. Pretty much from that time on he had to raise himself. He had some very special people help him along the way but for the most part he cleared his own path. God was and is obviously part of Hal's life. Hal's attitude completely avoids defeat. He won't see it. Defeat is only temporary for Hal. Inspiring to say the least. I have other friends that are good friends but for the most part I've stayed closest to Hal. In fact, I'd say we're family.

I can't wait to see everyone at my two reunions. It will take me down memory lane and then some. I also can't wait to introduce my lovely wife and kids to everyone. I'll tell everyone about this blog and some of them may even read an entry or two. Most will not and I probably wont see them again until we have another reunion. I'll probably have this same issue then too. I'll post pictures of the events. Sounds like it will be fun.

I love my friends!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Brian. Someone has read your blogs. I was (am) particularly interested in your class reunion blog. I have particular interest in it because I'm Jo Elda (Polanco) Cadena, one of your former classmates at AHS. You were also a "participant" in my and Joanna Carillo's quinceanera. You were escort to the late Michelle (Spriggs) Timmons. I'll have a picture of that at the reunion, although I won't be there physically. Take care and keep in touch if you like. I'm at "Go Bucks!!!"

11:51 PM  

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