A great week!

This week we celebrate the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus <- The greatest event of all time. Without the resurrection the Christian culture would probably only exist as a group of people who honor a martyr once a year. The word "Christian" would be rarely heard and there certainly wouldn't be very many churches. I don't even want to think about the state of the world right now if Jesus never came. Way too scary to even comprehend. Some believe it was all a hoax and that a bunch of ol dumb shepherds figured out a really good way of making money. I don't know about you but if I was following Jesus and it all ended at the cross with no resurrection, I certainly wouldn't have risked my life and gave up everything I've ever known to make up a story about how Jesus came to life and died for the world's inequities. That seems like a complete waist of time and possibly the craziest way to make a living that I could ever imagine. No, I think those dumb ol' shepherds lived through the most incredible, most beautiful event that ever happened. I think they gladly gave up their lives after seeing the most perfect person that ever lived, die a horrific death, get buried in a guarded and sealed tomb and then become alive again. They knew at that moment that God had given the world the ultimate gift. They knew the moment that they saw Him alive again they hadn't made a mistake. I would have loved to be one of those dumb ol' shepherds. They got the opportunity to personally hang out with God. With God!..Wow folks...that's just incredible to me. Just incredible!
For those who read this and think the whole resurrection thing is crazy talk, I understand, I used to think it was crazy talk too. It just doesn't make sense to "rational" people in this day and time but what's funny is that God knew that we would feel that way when he did it. He requires people to have FAITH. <- a dirty word in today's "prove it" culture. Believing the whole Bible is God's word requires faith too, that's why people bash it as well. They believe that the Bible was just a book put together by a bunch of dumb ol' shepherds and worked over by a bunch of greedy ol' kings. I've read and continually read the Bible and I've got to tell you, I will spend the rest of my life trying to get a grasp of it's infinite wisdom and won't even get close to understanding it all. For a bunch of ol' dumb shepherds and greedy ol' kings they sure were smart and selfless in their approach towards telling the world how amazing God is.
I love this week for the reasons I mentioned above. It's more important than Christmas, the Super Bowl and even American Idol. It happened 2000 years ago and it's just as significant now as it's ever been.
Thanks Jesus for what you did and what you continue to do.
I love My God!
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