Sunday, April 08, 2007

A very cool Masters.

Today Tiger Woods didn't win the Masters! That wasn't supposed to happen. He was supposed to win and everybody was supposed to be happy with it. He hates to lose more than anyone in the world and you almost feel sorry for him when he does. You get that feeling he goes home without saying a word to anyone for days. He probably just pouts and throws his clubs all over the yard. You know, you can do that if you're Tiger Woods?

Now the guy that did win was this little Christian fella from Iowa named Zach Johnson. He wasn't supposed to win. He was one of those guys who was supposed to be happy with Tiger winning. I guess he thought he would just rock the boat a little. Good for him! I like people who rock the boat a little. I hope Zach takes his new green jacket that you win at the masters and sleeps in it for a few days. He deserves it. He played like a champion and he praised Jesus for all of it. He essentially praised The Master for allowing him to win at The Masters. This was indeed a very cool Masters.

I love Golf!
Brian "I'm not Tiger Woods or Zach Johnson" Holt


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