Monday, April 02, 2007

CJ Astaire

My son is really a pretty good dancer for a 6 yr old. He didn't get any talent from his dad, I can guarantee that! His mother has a few moves and is where he gets his coordination. Of course, she's perfect so that makes sense. Now I do have rhythm but I can't move my hips very well...that's because I have a big ol' belly in the way! CJ has not an ounce of fat on his body and is nothing but a solid ripped little muscle...that helps alot. CJ also has a bit of style in his dancing...just like Fred Astaire. In fact, I picture a young Fred Astaire at age 6 dancing all over his house just like CJ is doing now. I think CJ dances to get attention but I also think he dances simply because he feels the music and his body takes over. Lily is our singer and songwriter. She performs all the time too. It's pretty cute. Just picture CJ's face in the picture above. Maybe we have a little Broadway act cooking up here at the Holt Time Theater?

I love my kids!


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