Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Birds and the Bees - CJ's version.

First thing this morning CJ and Lily woke up and both ran to the bathroom to go potty at the same time. Though they've seen each other naked before, this morning CJ just noticed that Lily was missing something. Yes, you got it, she's missing her pee pee. He gasped as the lack of this contraption on Lily's body took him by surprise. To quote CJ "Gasp....LILY where is your penis?" Lily responded "I don't have one." As if he refused to hear this response, he repeated the question. "Lily where is your penis?" Lily not be unheard again responded "I've been like this all day!" Now finally grasping this tragic discovery, CJ then responded desperately "Do you know what this means?" Lily now completely tuned into this unfolding new story silently but impatiently awaits the verdict. "This means that you and mommy are the only two people in the whole world without a penis, and you and mommy will die before me and daddy." Now Amy and I were not in the room but we could only imagine the look of horror on Lily's face and the confused, jumbled up thoughts that were racing through her cute, little 4 yr old mind. There was a silence that followed CJ's response and then out of nowhere Lily responded "CJ do you want to go play cars?" BAM! - the entire Birds and Bees conversation was officially over. Off they went to play Hotwheels and without another mention of the potential tragedy that had taken place. That folks is pure greatness!

This made Amy and I laugh this morning. What a funny way to wake up!

I love my kids!


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