Monday, April 16, 2007

I talked to my girl!

I talked to Ashlyn today and she said she had a great time at her prom. Of course, I gently scolded her for not calling me yesterday with the news. After all I am only a concerned parent simply looking out for my kids happiness and well being......Ok, I'm lying...I am a deeply troubled, sicko father who wants to know how good or bad the hairy-legged, testosterone-laden, teenage boy treated her and if I need to open up a can of woop-ass on the child. <- Wait...I can get fired for those comments! Good God what am I saying? Look at me....someone call in a therapist! Breath Brian Breath!

OK, welcome back to Brian's rant...I mean blog. I hope you've enjoyed reading this blog for it may be the last time you do. Soon the police will be here to take me to jail for potentially threatening a child. I'll plead "father insanity"! Hopeful the judge will be the parent of a teenage girl and will have mercy on me. Be my luck, the judge will be the mother of the teenage boy that took Ashlyn to prom. Oh well, this blogging thing sure was fun.

Oh by the way, I'm ordering this book from Amazon. I'll have plenty of time to read it when I'm in jail.

I love my kids!


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