Thursday, April 24, 2008

I've been reminded to blog, drop and roll

A good friend of mine reminded me this week that I haven't blogged in awhile and that I'm a loser for not doing so. No...he really didn't call me a loser but if he had I would have agreed with him. I didn't know he even read my blog and quite honestly - I'm honored! Thanks Jeff!

Ok, so here's the scoop on things in the life of Brian and my reaction to it:
1) We had baby Pierce on April 4. - Very cool to see a miracle again! Devilishly handsome boy who loves his Daddy.
2) We had family there to celebrate it with us and I got to share the miracle of birth with my wonderful Mom who was there in the delivery room with us. - I was thrilled to have her there and felt comforted by her momma spirit.
3) I got to go to a children's conference and listen to one of the most talented men in the world named Phil Vischer tell everyone about his deepest inner struggles - It greatly moved me!
4) CJ got into a little fight at school a few days ago. - He lost his award for being good for a 6 weeks period and that was sad but at least he's not afraid to take up for himself.
5) Our business is still great! Money's still tight but it won't always be. Someday we'll upgrade from Totino's Pizza to DiGiorno's and then we'll know that we have finally made it.

There's more but I'm tired! I'll blog again soon! I have alot to rant about including how the HOA in my neighborhood loves me - Not and how my kids wait to fight until I get on the phone. It's a conspiracy I tell you!

I love my blog.

Below is a very newborn picture of Pierce. I can tell he's my boy because he's already joking around and sticking his tongue out at mama! What a fun boy he's going to be. Poor Amy! Pray for her will ya?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Brian, for appreciating my "momma spirit". I do love you all and was very honored to be present at Pierce Benton's birth.
He is a beautiful baby and you and Amy had such a sweet spirit about you at the birth, I teared but didn't boo-hoo out loud like I can do at times. Didn't feel it was the time for a big boo-hoo-hoo.
Love you. Mom

10:58 AM  

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