Saturday, March 15, 2008

Wow have I been busy!

Just how long has it been since I last cursed this blog with my horrible grammar? Well, that's too long by golly!

Good news - Bad news: Good news is that Amy and I are really, really busy. Bad news is that I don't have much time for anything else. Business is very good and we've finally seen some fruit of our labor. Too bad the first round of fruit was all too quickly eaten up. We pray daily and look forward to more good harvest in the future -God willing!

Update on things:
- CJ is still getting greens everyday (see below for green reference)
- Lily still has me wrapped around her finger.
- Ashlyn is here for part of her spring break. <- she could be on the beach with all the crazies but instead she's here with all these crazies!
- Ginger & Snaps - old, flatulent but lovely in their own hairy little way.
- Amy - About to Pop! Her pregnant belly is really....well...Pregnant!
- Me? - I'm in the Zone baby! I'm really enjoying what I'm doing and what the future holds. I'm constantly praying and God is constantly providing!

Otherwise we are gearing up for the baby. Amy is nesting like crazy!!!! The baby's room looks unbelievable. She has really done a great job with decor and "stuff". Folks-this baby is as well equipped as any baby on the planet. People from Baby's R Us are calling for advice on merchandising. It's incredible!

I'll have a picture of the Baby on this blog as soon as he arrives. I'm excited!

I love my wife and kids (present and future).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so happy that your happy and things are going well for all of you. I love you all, Mom

12:06 PM  

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