Friday, February 08, 2008

The Amazing Color Green

As many of you know CJ started public school this year. This has been a blessing for our family as CJ has thrived since he has been there. One of the reasons CJ has done well there is the mystical, magical color Green. You see green is the considered the highest color in the disciplinary colors food chain. If you do well throughout the day, without incident you receive a green color for the day. If you have an incident (talking, horse playing, etc), you receive a Blue. If you continue your devious and sinful ways, then you continue down the "color change" ladder to yellow, orange and finally the dreaded RED <- Cue big booming, dramatic drum noise BOOM BOOM BOOM!

CJ has received three blues since he's been there but he received them for talking...Can you imagine that? CJ, like his dad, is a know-it-all and truly feels like what he has to say is profound and world changing. Now as an adult, I know that deep down what I have to say is ridiculous and just plain silly but CJ still feels that his words are pure gold and everyone should want to hold on to every little nugget of info that comes from his mouth. I appreciate that about him in some wierd way. I just hope his teacher does too.

CJ has vowed to get a Green today at school, to complete a full week of Green. His reward - a trip to Game Stop. He deserves it! Just think...three months ago CJ was the devil at his old school - earning the evil color of RED every day. God blesses in such colorful ways!

I love my Green son!


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