Saturday, November 17, 2007

Can anyone tell me?????

OK so I got on this silly conversation today with my wife about why certain things even exist. Things that if you think about them, you just can't find a good reason why they are on this planet. I started going down a list of things that came to the top of my head and then I started digging around for other things that took a little thought. I started with cigarettes - the devil's way of killing people slowly and painfully...need I say more?

Then I moved to Fry Daddy's -
You know, the mini-fry cookers that physically maimed half the children in the 70's and early 80's. Stupid invention! I've never heard anyone ever say "Man, I'm glad I bought that Fry Daddy." No, I've only heard the stories about how a busy mom turned her back for one second to answer the phone only to have her 4 year old pull on the power cord and dump a half gallon of boiling grease on top of themselves. They should have called it the "Fry Baby" or "Cookin Kid" or something like that. Terrible invention - shouldn't have been made!
From here I moved to one of God's creatures...the horrible Pit Bull dog.
I'm not sure why God made the Pit Bull but I suspect that it was to give us an example of what an evil dog is like. God hoped that we would think before we actually made the choice to pick out a dog. I imagine that he would want our inner dialogue to sound something like this - "look there's a miniature long-haired dachshund and a pit bull for sale, which one should I pick? You know, that pit bull likes to eat children and chew up little old ladies but the dachshund would rather lick your toes and cuddle with you. I think I'll get the nice little dachshund." This rational thinking would please God and evil would be thwarted once again....BUT NOOOOO...there is always someone whose own insecurities drive them to want to by a dog of power. That's why you see people buy big scary dogs...well that's my theory anyway.
Ok, let's move away from God's creatures and pick on cars. I'll make a quick list and beat em up with quick thoughts:

The Hummer: Used by the Army to invade small countries. That's why you see 90lb pound women driving them all over the suburbs in America. Lamborghini:
Goes 1 bazillion miles per hour. The speed limit for most of us is between 20mph in school zones to 70 on most interstates. I've never seen a sign that said "Speed Limit 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 MPH".
Motorcycles: Now before you send me hate mail, think this through. Motorcycles are basically bicycles with a motor. This means that the only think that connects the driver and the road are two skinny tires. Let's consider the following scenario: A car and a motorcycle are traveling down the road. Two suicide squirrels dart out onto the road. The car hits one and squish - it's dead, flat on the road. The bike hits the other squirrel and BAM the rider goes flying off of the bike and lands 100 feet down the road shedding body parts along the way. The squirrel probably crawls off with a slight concussion. Considering this scenario - you can see that motorcycles just don't make sense.

You see folks, there are lots of things that just shouldn't have been made. I can't name them all here but I bet in life's little adventure you too will see things that will make you ask the question "why?". Until then I have to ask around and hope that someone can tell me the reason why some things even exist. Oh well!

Can someone tell me??



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian, It's sad to say, but my mom is one of those people who would say..."Man, I love my fry daddy"...GROSSS!!!!


11:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see you're just another person who has never thought to acctually read up on TRUE facts about Pit Bulls and sticks to thinking all the crap on the news is true. ^^

I used to be the same as you, thinkng that the Pit Bull was a bad breed, but then I took it upond myself to learn the truth. Now I know differently.

8:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


K... "God" did not create cigarettes, the "Fry Daddy", or pitbulls. People did.

People discovered tobacco had pleasing effects when smoked and decided to wrap it in paper and mass-market it to immense profit. The fact that it is hugely dangerous to one's health is unfortunate for those who choose to smoke them. The "Fry Daddy" was designed and created by people for people to cook overly fatty foods in. It did not maim half of the child population of the 70s and 80s, and even if such a thing was possible and not over-exaggeration, such a thing would have been the fault of the parents for not watching their stupid child around a hot cooking implement.

And pitbulls -- a dog breed selectively bred by PEOPLE for their distinguishing traits -- are far from evil. As one of your other commenters has pointed out, you seem to be unwilling to do the research concerning pitbulls and instead just parrots the bad press about them. Dogs are what people train and condition them to be. Dachshunds can be -- and, in my experience, of often are -- horrible little snappy, biting, antisocial terrors because their owners train them to think such behavior is ok. In my own personal experience, I have been snapped at and bitten by little, supposedly "safe" breeds more times than I have even been growled at by big, supposedly "bad" breeds.

8:37 PM  
Blogger DallasHolts said...

I love these comments! They are awesome! Thank you all for commenting.


9:25 PM  
Blogger DallasHolts said...

For all the folks who read this post and are offended by the comments I made about pit bulls, I apologize. I simply made an observation based on news reports I've heard or read. Truth is...any dog can be trained to be "good" or "bad" and it's not the dog's fault if their owner wants to train the dog either way. I'm sure if I spent some time with a "good" pit bull I would have a different perspective. All of my blogs are intended solely to entertain myself so again my apology for any offense taken by comments I might make.

10:34 PM  
Blogger Freedom Pup said...


Apologize all you want. But a recent study of dog bites and temperament was released and actually stated that the Dauschaund was the dog most likely to bite.

There is not such breed as "pit bull." This term actually envelopes many other breeds including the American Pit Bull Terrier, a breed of dog which represented America in old wartime posters, on the Little Rascals and in many other capacities until it's recent years as the media "demon dog" which has been portrayed on television and the internet.

HERE: Educate yourself.

9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are wrong my friend. pit bulls don't have to be mean i own one. her name is Abby and she is the nicest dog you'll ever meet. I think you should man up and go face to face with a pit bull so you can see whose meaner. I know the answer and its YOU buddy not the pit bull so quit cutting down on them.


7:42 AM  
Blogger staine said...

PItbulls are like any other breed! its the stupid irresponsible owners who teach these animals to fight, even a chihuahua can be taught to bite... but do people see them as the devils dogs?? no... didn't think so... any animal if taught to fight will, and just because these animals are naturally tougher and have muscles does not mean that they are not a nice breed I work in a shelter and we get so many wonderful pit bull type dogs that come in because idiot people have bread them so much that they are no use to them anymore, or fight them so much that they are no good anymore and some are so sweet, you wonder why someone would do that to a gods creature. I believe it is all the owners fault that an animal is aggressive it has nothing to do with the breed. responsible owners will correct the aggression and teach an animal it is not right.

3:49 AM  

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