Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Kids are back to school

CJ and Lily are back to school. CJ is a second grader this year and Lily is in a two day mother's day out program. CJ's teacher this year is actually the teacher Amy and I have been anticipaiting CJ to have since he started to attend his school. Though this is her first year to have CJ as a student, she has always expressed an interest in CJ and appears to understand him. What a blessing she is to CJ and our family! Lily's Teacher is nice too and very, very Baptist! That means Lily will not leave this MDO program without knowing every single Sunday school song, the books of the Bible for Bible drills and of course, how to prepare for a potluck dinner. Lily will probably start pronouncing Jesus with a country accent just like all good southern Baptist should.

We are anticipating our best year yet with such good teachers and the fact that I will be home more to teach CJ on his homeschool days. I think I'll have CJ call me Professor Dad!

I love my smart kids!

Professor Dad!

Monday, August 20, 2007

God's way of being in charge!

Anytime one of my blogs starts out with "Ok!"<- this means that something has messed with my world.
Ok...so we just recently found out that Amy is pregnant. This comes to us as quite a surprise since Amy and I have been very good about being careful. When we wanted kids, we threw careful out the window and had kids on demand! Well, a couple of weeks ago we found out that careful is relative. God is in charge and when His plan is not yours then expect careful to be thrown out the window. I am usually very accepting of God's plan except when it interferes with mine and we all know how well that works. God is bigger and smarter and all that stuff but couldn't he just leave me alone and let me plan for the future the way I think is best for me? After all, I've got a good grasp of things...don't I?

Here's the deal!

According to God, no matter how good of grasp of things I think I may have...He is God and I am not! My job is to trust Him and obey Him and realize that He wants the absolute best for my life. With that in mind I have to look at this blessing of a new baby as a gift from God and as the best thing for my life. That's the deal!

What's funny is that my wife is quite accepting of God's interference. She has already completely decorated the baby's room, come up with over 20 names to choose from, figured out every single thing we will need for the next sixteen years of the baby's life and has planned every second of this pregnancy. I'm still looking at the two lines on the pregnancy test and saying "You're pregnant?" - I've got 9 months to come to grips with it.

I'll put sonograms and belly pictures up as soon as I get them but in the mean time pray for me and my grip!

I love my kids....all of them!


Sunday, August 12, 2007

I made it to one of my two class reunions!

Last week I had to make the decision to not make it to the Alpine High School class reunion. It was difficult because I really wanted to see my old friends from that school. For some many reasons, it just didnt make any sense and so I made the tough but right call. I was however able to make it to my 20th class reunion in New Braunfels. We went with my buddy Hal and his wife and 4 yr old son and we absolutely had a blast. It was fun to see everyone and to talk up the old times. Hal and I played golf with one of our high school football coaches and we got to see many old teachers and coaches during a tour of the high school on Saturday. They still remember us and it was great to let them know what they meant to us.

This reunion was really a good time had by all. Some people hadn't changed much and many others had. All in all everyone looked great and everyone seemed to be in good shape. I look forward to my 30th reunion, by then no one will care if they look good or not. They won't care if they have made it or not and certainly we will all be ten years aged with teenagers making us crazy.

Me? Maybe I'll grow up by then!

I love my old friends.