I should write about more controversial things

Awhile back I wrote about several things that were on my mind that ended up getting some real feedback for. One in particular was my comments on Pit Bulls. I wrote basically that they were not nice dogs. Of course, I based it all on the numerous media reports I had heard at that time about Pit Bull attacks, so I drew a conclusion that offended many people. I've received many comments on that particular posting - some good and some so bad, I couldn't post them. Those comments made me realize that I should speak my mind more often and not hold back. The end result might be interesting.
Let me tell you quickly the reason I write this blog to start with. 1) To vent about my life as a father of 6 (4 kids and two dogs) 2) To share my life experiences and to have fun with it. 3) To practice the art of typing...not really but a 3rd point is always best to have when you have a number list or when you bullet point something.
I think now I'll add a 4th reason to blog - To see if I can get a few comments from people - good or bad. I generally work on being politically correct while writing. I think thats going to change especially when something makes me crazy. SOOOOOO...with that said I think I'll write about something that makes me crazy right now....and I won't hold back.
Let's start with the elections ---- OOOOOOOOOOOhhhh! Yeah, like the old bartender saying goes, "Never talk about politics and religion in a bar". Well this isn't a bar folks!

Let's start with the Presidential Candidates: On the Democrat side, Senator Barack Obama -

Here's what I think he would do well:
- He would inspire more countries to deal with the U.S. - He's got this kind of "Elvis" phenomenon thing with the Europeans.
- You would see many more actors hanging around the White House - Again, kind of like that "Elvis" thing.
- The "American Dream" will be available to anyone - whether they choose to work or not.
On the Republican side, Senator John McCain -

I know alot more about John McCain. I know that he's a 3rd generation U.S. Military man, a decorated war hero, a former POW and a long time Senator. He's a self-proclaimed rebel or "maverick" within his own political party and he's known for being feisty and having a short fuse. The physical difference is - He's not as "cool" and he looks deformed with his permanently damaged shoulders. Oh and his he's fairly old at 72. He doesn't have a real commanding voice and he's just an above-average public speaker. Of course, he can't raise his shoulders cause they were damaged when we was in the Vietnam war. The scars on his face are permanent reminders of his battle with melanoma - something he has continuously survived.
Here's what I think he would do well:
- He would finally find and kill Osama Bin Laden and scare the poop out of many terrorist - even if he had to do it himself.
- He would keep the government from spending too much money on special interests. - Bye Bye ACORN!
- He would set up a pay-per view televised cat-fight between Sarah Palin and Nancy Pelosi and charge $10,000 a ticket for seats to watch live...up to $1,000,000/seat ring side. He would single handily wipe out the federal deficit in one weekend.

Now truthfully, I have to say that I'm fairly fearful of this year's election. I think the country is going to vote for the wrong guy and mainly because He's "cool", Not because he has the credentials. We've got a choice to vote for perhaps the one of the bravest, toughest, most honorable, American man who ever graced the political arena and we'll blow it and choose the "cool" guy. The "cool" guy always has the ultimate advantage. In this case - He has the (IM) instant message - IPhone crowd anxious to see what kind of "cool" things "change" means. They are looking for Obama to provide quick fixes for the war in Iraq, the economy, global warning, and gas prices - all of which have been blamed on George Bush for some reason or another. That brings up another rant - but I'll save that for another day. I wouldn't hold my breath for any quick fixes.
For McCain this election is his last shot. He isn't perfect but he's the one guy still left in this election that has the credentials, the record and the guts for the job. I read this somewhere - "Obama wants to be the president of the United States and John McCain wants to lead the United States." I think that sums it up.
Ok that's the end of this blog entry. I think I'm going to go vote early for the right guy. He probably won't win but that's the way it goes...and to me that ain't too "cool".
I love my country.
well said, my friend!
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