Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving and Giving Thanks

November comes every year and every year in America we get the opportunity and privilege to celebrate Thanksgiving. Family, food and football!!! I assume that the first Thanksgiving was a little different - probably more like family (what was left of them), food (what little they had) and football...oh well - two out of three isn't too bad.

This year we celebrated with Amy's father Bill and our friend Pam and her daughter's family. It was a nice time had by all.

This year I want to give thanks to God, my family and friends for being just who they are. God for being so good to me and my family. My family for being my family and my friends for still being our friends. Amy and really don't feel deserving of the love we get from God, our families and our friends. We are often in awe knowing we are as blessed as we are.

We hope that 2009, we are even more thankful.

I love giving thanks!



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