Saturday, July 28, 2007

CJ is a Jesus Freak!

Well it's official! Jesus has joined the official Jesus Freak club. This week Jesus decided that he wanted to follow Jesus and be on His team. This is no surprise for Amy an I as CJ has always had a personal relationship with Jesus. As far as CJ is concerned Jesus is his personal helper. That's because CJ considers everyone his personal helper. You, me, the President...everyone. Without CJ knowing it, Amy and I have heard CJ talking to Jesus and not just in prayer. He's had lengthy conversations with him. In fact, I'm quite sure that some of the conversations were requests from CJ for Jesus to banish Lily or spank me or for a new Game Cube game or something like that.

You're probably wondering what I meant by CJ being a Jesus Freak. Well, you see I like the term because it was given to a bunch of people in the late 60's - 70's who formed a Jesus movement that ended up spanning the globe. They were a major influence on the modern contemporary church and with contemporary Christian music. Because I think CJ will be a great leader someday I think he has the potential to be a major influence in the modern church. He may become the next great Jesus Freak!

Now for those who think that I may be influencing CJ to be a nut. Don't worry CJ will be making that decision for himself. He is the son of a wacko after all. I don't want kids or adults to think that he's a special needs child simply because he rants and raves about Jesus. I would rather people just realize that he loves Jesus and has the confidence to tell everyone. That's what Jesus wants and who am I to argue?

I think this is a great time to celebrate CJ's decision. Amy and I are thrilled that CJ is CJ and that he is a boy after God's own heart.

I love my boy!


Friday, July 13, 2007

Presenting - Princess Lily!

When I think of Lily Grace I think of CUTE!!!! Lily is truly the cutest thing that has ever been. She has a special crunched up smile that makes her cute. She is small and compact and that makes her cute too. Everything about her is just stinkin cute! I absolutely adore my Lily Grace and today I got to adore her some more. You see, Lily is no longer just an ordinary girl, she is a Princess to the King...Jesus that is. Lily spent all week at Princess Prep School at Prestonwood Baptist Church. Princess Prep School is specifically for little girls about Lily's age and was developed by a woman who wanted to help little girls find their life's purpose in Christ which will help them build good self-esteem. Not that Lily has any self-esteem issues I'll assure you! In fact, I'd say that Lily dismissed that fact that there were a few hundred other girls at "Princess Prep School". I imagine that Lily thought those other girls were there to learn from her. Either that or she was there to beat up the real princess and take the crown by force. That's a little tactic she has learned from her brother. Lily is a very special princess to say the least. She's kind of like Tinkerbell meets Mighty Mouse. She's little, sweet, lovable and packs a mean punch. She's got that special fire in her eyes. See picture for details!

Lily has her daddy wrapped around her little finger as do my other kids and you know what?...I wouldn't have it any other way!

For those who would like to see about this princess prep school check out:

I love my princess!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

My Love of Puppets!

Many of you know that I love puppets and puppeteering. I am still learning how to be a good puppeteer but I still have a long way to go. My friend Ed is a great puppeteer. Partly because he understands the dynamics of puppeteering and partly because he has a lot of wacky personalities in his head that need to come out. I too have this same multi-personality disorder but mine are chock-full of ADHD. In fact, my favorite characters are just like me...a little out of control. Speaking of my favorite characters, I've added a couple of pictures of my favorite puppets that I currently perform with on Sunday morning. Let's start with Fernando:

Fernando is one of Ed's characters but I love to use him on Sunday. Fernando's persona can transform any puppeteer into a mildly rude, egotistical French/Spanish guy with a bad accent. Fernando has a great heart but unfortunately has terrible judgement skills and no inner-dialogue so you have no idea what you will get on any given Sunday. He also can't keep a job...go figure!

Zany (First puppet on the left), my newest character is basically a reincarnation of an older character named Goose Goose - Below.
Zany is always positive about everything no matter what. This is part of my persona too. I'm usually positive about everything but not as much as Zany. Zany is always overly thrilled to be where-ever he is and every day is an amazingly great day.

Now as far as pure greatness goes. It cannot be denied that Jim Henson created the funniest characters that ever lived. Click on this You Tube link of The Swedish Chef, Beaker and Animal's version of Danny Boy. This may very well be the funniest thing I've ever seen. It made me laugh and cry!

I love my puppets - oh boy oh boy!