Sunday, August 30, 2009


So it's been a few months since I've last blogged! I've been through a bunch of changes and yet have enjoyed a bit of stability. Pierce is getting big, CJ is maturing, Lily is getting sassy-er and Amy and I have just gained weight and worked like dogs to get a handle on our lives. That means that we're fat and happy - Literally. Amy's not really fat at all but if you asked her she would tell you she's a cow. If she's a cow - then she's the hottest cow in the pasture. Me on the other hand, I'm the chunky cow that everyone stares at. I'm the cow that everyone feels sorry for because I'm too fat to run. Yep that's me! Moooo!!!

I just wanted to update that I may be starting a new blog soon about children's ministry, ministry in general, the church, and other church related stuff. We'll have to see how the Lord leads me on this. Who knows maybe I'll go back into just writing about my kids.

Talk to you soon.