Friday, July 11, 2008

Update on life at this wacked out house

My daughter is here this week and our house is better for it. She's 18 now and I just can't believe it. The other kids are in heaven because they get their sissy here and they can get away with more. Sissy is their human savior in this house.

Besides Ashlyn being here this week, here's an update on what's been happening:

Amy - Working like dog, nursing like a cow, graceful as a swan!

CJ - Great negotiator - the other day Amy needed him to go potty before he went to bed. He didn't want to of course, so Amy offered a bribe to get him to go (note: bribes are not a recommended parenting technique). He upped the value of the bribe and Amy didn't fall for it - so CJ decided to show her and threatened to only "half pee" if he didn't get his way. He pee'd a little bit and went to bed. Amy told him not to pee in his bed since he only "half pee'd" and CJ assured her he wouldn't. Guess what? He finished the other half of the peeing in his bed that night!

Lily - She packed today to get ready to stay with her Sissy this next week and she packed her favorite pants which are Goucho Pants. As she described what she had packed she got the goucho pants and called them "Nacho Pants". God that's cute!

Ashlyn - Poor girl, she's having to deal with this nut house! I'll pray for her right now!

Ok, I'm back!

Pierce - He's mastered the art of peeing (full peeing - not half peeing) on Amy. He doesn't do that on any body else...just Amy. He's also got very loud toots. I call them "man toots". He calls them relief! He is smiling a lot and beyond cute. He still eats and poops constantly but what do you expect? At least he's regular.

The dogs: They might lose their vocal cords this week since they have made a science of barking when the baby is sleeping. I really can't blame them - they are old and grumpy - kind of like me.

Me? - I'm just a dad without a brain. I want to go to OZ and see if the wizard can get me one. Can some one start tapping their slippers?

There's no place like home.....there's no place like home.....there's no place like home....

Dang! It didn't work I'm still here....

Oh Well....

I love my kids - they all have brains!

Brian "No Brains" Holt