Thursday, March 29, 2007

The future of CJ!

I've decided that CJ will grow up to be either: A senior pastor of a huge Mega Church, a very successful salesperson or an auctioneer. Here's why based on each potential career path.

Senior Pastor of Huge Mega Church: First of all CJ loves Jesus. He believes whole-heartily that Jesus is his personal advisor and bodyguard. He prays to Jesus for things he wants and needs and in turn pledges his love and devotion and promises to tell everyone he knows about Him.........wait a minute, I think that's what we're supposed to do. Maybe CJ's got it all figured out. I know Jesus did...that's why He loves the little Children just like CJ. They have the faith he wishes us dumb ol adults had. I think CJ will always have childlike faith. Combine that with his amazing desire to be the leader of what ever he does, his charm, charisma, extra fun energy and brother we have ourselves a mega pastor!

A very successful salesperson: Have you every bought something you didn't want or need and paid for it with a smile. Do you know why you bought what something? A great salesperson sold it you to you. A salesperson who made your decision to purchase that something the most important thing you could do at that moment. A salesperson who sold you themselves and not the product. That, in a nutshell, is CJ. He can make you want to buy stuff for him and do things for him simply because he made it seem like the most important thing you could do at that moment and because it's good for the great CJ. I don't know where he learned it but he did and he's good! The other day I found myself wanting to peel an apple for him because he made me feel that it was a really cool way to serve it and of course because it was good for him. I could hardly wait to painstakingly peel that dumb apple for him. He's brilliant I tell you...brilliant!

An Auctioneer: It's official, just today CJ successfully spoke more words in one day than any other human that has ever lived. No kidding...I'm submitting it to Guiness and see if we can get a world record published. I can truly see CJ up on a stage somewhere auctioning off high dollar cars or works of art. The funny thing is that people will marvel at how fast he can speak but I'll know that he always talks like that. If he doesnt want to be an auctioneer he can do disclaimers, like the ones you year at the end of car dealer commercials. Listen the next time you hear one, then it will make sense to you. The only problem with this fast speaking gift is that by the time you get through a conversation with CJ you need a nap. He wears you out and for some reason you love it.

You know after writing these three things the more I realize that CJ will probably end up doing something completely different. He'll probably end up as an accountant or computer programmer where he spends alot of time away from people. He'll have decided by that time that he's said all that he needs to say and decide to share his brilliance with only his wife and kids and few select people who know him best. Who knows, maybe he'll be fireman? Everyone likes a fireman! Who cares, just as long as he stays just like he is...a spirit filled, smooth talking salesman!

I love my kids!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think C.J. is going to be a successful pastor, too! He already does a great job at sharing the gospel and making others feel special. I love C.J.!!! Just think...Pastor C.J. fits! :)

9:32 PM  

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