Thursday, June 08, 2006

Wow a blog after 3 months! That's crazy talk!

Hey look! Can you believe it? I'm actually blogging after a 3 month break. Actually it's not a 3 month break as much as a 3 month "oh my goodness, I'm freakin busy" time. This does not mean that the busy time is over, it only means that this blog found it's way from the backburner to front one. Let me tell you what spurred this sudden reaction. It's my son! Yes, CJ is back and more fun than ever. He's blazing a trail of never dull moments and he's keeping his mom and me utterly confused and completely delighted...if that makes any sense at all. Here's a highlight reel of the past three months:
1) He finished Kindergarten with flying colors...well almost. You see academically CJ is a little Einstien. Behaviorally, CJ is Curly from the Three Stooges. This poses a problem for some Kindergarten teachers, especially those who who don't think the Three Stooges were funny. CJ's Kindergarten teacher is one of those people. You see, CJ is a like his father and believes that he needs to make everyone laugh, all the time. In other words, I think in cartoon. So does CJ. He looks around his surroundings where ever he may be and seeks the opportunity to find people to entertain and play with. That works when you're on the playground or stage but not in the classroom. Everyday CJ would go into his classroom, take a look around and then.. Show Time Baby! CJ would whip out the top hat and cane and do one of his musical numbers...and that's during math class. I can just imagine what his little mind just thinking about during phonics. Teacher: "Class today we are learning about 3 letter words. CJ what are some three letter words that you know?" CJ: "Pee Pee, Poo Poo, POW!" Class: "Ha Ha Ha...CJ said Poo Poo!" CJ: (Grinning ear to ear) Teacher: "CJ those are not words! That will be 5 minutes off of your recess time Mister funny boy" CJ: (Not grinning) "Oh, Man!"
That scenario is really just one of many for CJ. He does similar funny things like that at home, at church, at shopping malls, grocery stores (read previous blogs), or any other place he goes. At church CJ's humor comes out when a song plays. He gets on his dancing feet and pulls out his moves. He's a cross between Michael Jackson and Jim Carrey. He'll do any move to get a reaction. Funny stuff! At shopping malls and grocery stores, CJ seeks out fun things to play with. Most kids do this but CJ has an internal radar so powerful NASA is jealous. He can find fun stuff a mile away and when he spots it he's like an Olympic runner...he gets the tunnel vision and you can almost hear the Chariots of Fire music play when he's running towards the "fun" thing he spotted. Nothing will stop him either. It's amazing!
Oh I can't forget some of the funny things he's been saying lately. My personal favorite was just the other day when CJ was saying something funny and I said "CJ that was just crazy talk!" and then CJ quickly responded with "No Dad that's not crazy talk, this is crazy talk: bugabagagurgleburglerackarackablahblah!" Now that folks is great stuff! Oh, and I can't forget CJ's recent entry. CJ asked his sister Lily, "Lily do you know what Proverbs 6:6 says?" Lily, of course did not know so CJ told her: "It's about God's ants. Proverbs 6:6 says they got busy!" Amy and I lost it! We laughed the rest of the day. What's funny is that he was technically right. Proverbs 6:6 says: Take a lesson from the ant, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and be wise." Great verse huh? CJ is right we need to get busy like the ant. He's so cool. He is the most spiritually mature boy for his age. He hasn't had to make a decision to follow Jesus, he just thinks that's what you do. Someday he'll know the difference but for him, he won't have to think that hard about it. I think he will be a dynamic Christian leader someday and I think he thinks so too.

Well gotta run. I'll blog again after Adventure Week.



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