Saturday, March 18, 2006

Quick blog

Well it's been awhile since my last blog but I thought I would sum up our cruise real quick by saying that it was really fun. Very nice to be on such a nice boat with such nice people. Amy and I enjoyed ourselves and made some great memories and friends.

Now, my next blog will be about some more current things that are happening in our lives. We have some pretty silly things to share.



Blogger Rusty said...

Dude, the spam? And secondly, it's been almost 3 months now without an update. What gives? Are you busy or something?

And I should TOTALLY get Lacee to get a job at the church. That plus the school districts would give us NO REASONS to live anywhere else. Then we could hang out. Wait, never of us have any free time right now. DANGIT! ;-)

11:18 AM  

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