Saturday, September 03, 2005

Ooops I did it again!

I must be mad! I must have some sort of screw loose! I must be a few bricks shy of a full load! Why you ask? Well that's because I took my kids again to the grocery store by myself! Here I am writing a whole blog on it and how painful of an experience it was but I just thought I could learn from that experience and make this one a much more pleasant one. WRONG! It was not a pleasant experience BUT it wasn't as bad as last time. Allow me to explain. #1) I found the shopping cart that looks like a race car and in fact this one had two steering wheels....bonus! #2) The store was laid out like I remembered and I made it through in record time. #3) CJ did not run around freely, thanks to the car. HOWEVER! I found a flaw in the system. #1) The car is barely wide enough for the two kids. So imagine a cat and a dog placed in the same cage. Oh Yea, it was that bad! Those two kids made the ultimate fighting championship seem tame! CJ used his elbows like he was a ninja and Lily used her pointer fingers like Moe on the Three Stooges. It was nuts! #2) The store was laid out to plans but they only had two registers going so I had to wait for a good ten minutes before I started checking out. Ten minutes with Moe and Bruce Lee in the front seat of the little Nascar racer was like having someone slowly pull all your hair out! After pulling all mine out I decided to separate them but here's what's funny...they wanted to be back together even though they were clearly beating the snot out of each other. Kids are whack! #3) With CJ not running around was great but the noise level of the two captive birds actually echoed throughout the store. When I finally made it to the checkout the cashier told me that she knew where we were at all times simply by the sound of the two sirens in the front seat. Isn't that crazy? Oh but not as crazy as me trying this again. The kids are just kids, I'm the nutty one! Well I'm gonna go now. I'm going to try to glue on all my hair that I pulled out!

Thank you for shopping with Brian!


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