Saturday, June 04, 2005

Kids Dictionary

This is a quick post on some of the cute things my kids have said in the past and what they were trying to say. Also included are some phrases that have been said that I found to be pretty cute.

Here goes:

Root Poops = Fruit Loops > as in "I want some root poops"

Blik Blok Blag = Zip Lock Bag > as in "I want some root poops in a blik blok Blag"

Ca Ca Ca Coon - Name for the Chrysilis Flower.........Dont ask!

Le La = Love You > as in "Le La Daddy" ...of course!

Nute Naks = Fruit Snacks

Flute Plop = Fruit Pop

Slip Slops - Flip Flops

"I want to brush my deeth with poothtaste" - I guess this is after you've had a blik blok blag full of nute naks or root poops.

CJ woke up one morning, ran out of bed to me and said" My eyes had a dream about girl trees and spiders". <- Now that's creative!

There are scores of other things the kids have said but I said this would be quick so for now this is what you (my non-existant audience) get.

Le La


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cute Brian! Regina & I were blog-surfing and found yours...FINALLY. What?, trying to keep it a secret? I hope all is going well in Uptown. Let me know if Media can assist you.

10:38 PM  

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