Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Bedtime Madness!

Do you have a hard time getting your kids to bed? Does the phrase "it's bedtime" always make your kids freak out and turn into compuslive whiners? When you finally get your kids to bed do they get up several times with multiple excuses why they did? If so, then that all you've really done is make me feel better. You see my children don't like to sleep. They've made an art out of not going to bed. It's amazing!!! CJ already an amazing salesperson can clearly state out all the reasons why he shouldnt go to bed. He carries a laptop and projector with him and gives us a powerpoint presentation on why he needs to stay up. Lily, on the other hand, just uses her "I need my daddy" sad face that girls use on thier daddies to turn us into mush. I've caught on to Lily's manipulative ways but not before she got to get in bed with dad a few times. Now I take her back into her bed, rub her head for a minute and then tell her if she gets up again I'll beat her to a pulp! No.....not really, but I've found that she just needed to try to see if I would turn into mush and once I don't conform to her cute little sad face hypnotic trance she simply goes back to sleep.

I have come up with a bit of a solution for those tired souls who have to deal with kids who like to stay up late and get up early. Are you ready for this?.................Run them until they puke! That's right folks a little marine bootcamp goes a long way! Just kidding but really folks, that's what Extra Curricular Activities (E.C.A's) were made for. Now, I know that Pastor Ed has said that we need to cut down on the ECA's but that's only when the kids develop good sleeping habits. When your kids are freaks like mine that could live on a 1/2 hour of sleep per night, you resort to military type tactics for your own sanity.

Here's another suggestion. Nix the nap! Can you say that after me boys and girls?....NIX THE NAP! Very good! You see naps are for babies! When your children reach the age of let's say.......4-ish (depending on how high energy they are) they should be kept up and ran like horses until their tongues hang out! CJ, for example, should have cut the nap when he was about 2 months old. His energy level is out of this world. I've always said that if we could run a pipeline from CJ we could power up the entire city of Dallas. TXU could change thier name to CJU and we'd be rich! Lily has alot of energy too but she needs hers just to keep up with CJ and as far as Amy and I go....well we gave this energy to our kids and we curse ourselves everyday for it.

Final suggestion: Water! Oh yes...water!!! Make sure it's pool water folks. You need adequate sun and some good ol fashioned clorinated water and wallah you burn half a day's energy. Scientist measure different forms of energy in BTU's (British Thermal Units), I on the other hand measure energy in KTU's...yes, you got it Kid Thermal Units. Lets say for example the average child has 100 KTU's per day to burn. My kids on the other hand have 900,000,000,000,000 KTU's per day to burn. CJ has so many BTU's that when he does swim he makes the water boil. Well not really but he can make his dad's blood boil when he continously runs around the pool when I continously tell him not to. God love him!

Now a quick apology for those one or two people who actually read this blog. Summer took over and next thing you know it's nearly September before I can write again. Thank you for putting up with me and my personal psych therapy I call my blog. I would love to keep writing today but CJ woke up and now I have to put out the flames on the carpet from where he dashed room to room.

Pray for me!